L-39: Ethiopian Weapon Certification

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L-39 Albatros

L-39: Ethiopian Weapon Certification

Uploaded by - RocketmanAL
Date - 08/09/2020 17:30:03
A mercenary company has been contracted to demonstrate upgrades to Ethiopian L-39C aircraft. A high-level general is in attendance, so this is a great opportunity to improve our clout. Demonstrate your skills in a display of pilot skill and weapons employment.

The Ethiopian Air Force has recently upgraded their L-39C with weapon packages. Their pilots are currently going through their final training courses, but aren't qualified yet. In the meantime, an Air Force general is eager to certify the jets so that they can start using them as soon as the pilots are ready. We have been contracted to fly the certification flight. The general and his staff are at a viewing stand to the south of the range and waiting for the demonstration to begin.

Take off out of Mesquite with two rocket pods. Fly a heading of 340 deg for 5 NM. The target area will be marked with white smoke when you approach it. Targets consist of four tents, one truck, and one car. Take out each target in order to successfully certify the plane.

ATTENTION: The friendly viewing stand is about 1 mile south of the target zone. Do not employ any weapons south of the target zone.


Installation Directions:
Unzip the folder and move .miz file to Saved Games/DCS/Missions folder. PDF is a briefing for the mission and can be saved anywhere.

Estimated Mission Time: 30 mins

July 2023- V1.2: Added briefing and updated to DCS 2.8.
August 2023- V1.3: Updated briefing template.

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