Operation Fever Night

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F-5E Tiger

Operation Fever Night

Uploaded by - MettDeiman
Date - 04/11/2020 21:10:57
A simple flight for the F-5, as usual you can change the AI wingman and fly it with a friend. Hope you enjoy, I´ll try and make more missions for the F-5, hoping one day we will get the F-4.

After weeks of tensions and several attacks on ships of the UAE and their allies over the Gulf by Iran; UAE have decided to create a military exercise with them, to make a show of force and prevent any more hostile actions. With this exercise UAE not only tries to show force, also a military complex close to Oman is under construction. In this place a communications antenna has been built to disrupt and listen to possible enemy incursions with naval or air assets, thus preventing Iran from succesding on more attacks.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 24.75 Kb
  • Downloaded: 236
  • Comments: 3
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