Belkan Air Force Su-33 Flanker-D - Ace Combat Zero (47th TFS)

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Belkan Air Force Su-33 Flanker-D - Ace Combat Zero (47th TFS)

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - TheMrSir46
Date - 03/10/2020 18:08:48
Ace Combat, Dachs Squadron, Belkan Air force, 22nd Air division, 47th Tactical Fighter Squadron

[Pilot data in description]

Art for patch made by Idwa.

[Pilot Data]
Aircraft No.252
Cpt. Burnhart Heck
Dachs 1
Age 46
Status: Shot Down

Born into minor nobility, he would take up the family tradition and enlist in the military when he came of age, joining the Air Force and graduating fr om the Academy before being selected for flight training. After earning his wings he was assigned to a front line squadron during the Rectan Conflict, where he gained valuable combat experience against the Rectan Air Force. By the late 1980s, he had claimed the ranks and took command of Dachs squadron after his former commander was killed in an accident. At the start of The Belkan War Burnhart and his squadron were assigned to the western front, mainly providing support for Belkan ground forces and other harassing actions against Osean forces around the Aulick Bay area. In the mid to late stages of the war the squadron was allocated to defending Belka's northwest coast from attacks by joint Osean/Yuktobanian naval forces operating in the Wellow straits. On May 29th, 1995 Burnhart was engaged with Yuktobanian naval fighters conducting a raid on Cuxhaven Naval Base when he was Miss id'd as an enemy aircraft and shot down by a friendly warship. He would spend the rest of the war recovering from injuries sustained when he ejected. After the war he would remain in the military resigning in 2009 at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

To install extract it to SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DCSWorld\Bazar\Liveries\su-33
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  • Language: English
  • Size: 10.35 Mb
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