Canadair Sabre Mk.4/F-86E(M) skinpack, JRV

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DCS World 2.5
F-86F Sabre

Canadair Sabre Mk.4/F-86E(M) skinpack, JRV

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - jocko417
Date - 02/27/2020 19:38:26
A skin pack of three JRV Sabre paint schemes.

Yugoslavia received ex-RAF Sabres during the late 1950s via the Mutual Defense Aid Program. These Sabres were Canadair-built Mk.4 aircraft which were upgraded with the 6-3 wing and given the US designation F-86E(M), 'M' for Modified.

Sabre Mk.4/F-86E(M) 11054 of 242nd Sqd of 172 Wing, stationed in Golubovci Air Base.

Sabre Mk.4/F-86E(M) 11025 of 204 Regiment, stationed in Batajnica Air Base.

Sabre Mk.4/F-86E(M) 11033 also of 204 Regiment, stationed in Batajnica Air Base, and later transferred to VOC (Vojno Opitni Centar (Military Testing Centre).

Includes JRV pilot in period flying gear with patches.

Cockpits were finished in all-over matte black. Please see my custom black cockpit textures here for extra immersion!


Unzip the zipped file and then place the "f-86f sabre" folder into your DCS World\CoreMods\aircraft\F-86\Liveries folder.

Thanks to DCS Forums member "dali" for his help in creating this skin pack.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 133.73 Mb
  • Downloaded: 216
  • Comments: 1
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