JIAFG Official F/A-18C Livery Pack

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JIAFG Official F/A-18C Livery Pack

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - BloodyOxygen
Date - 02/01/2020 17:48:18
The official F/A-18C Hornet livery pack for the Joint International Air Forces Group (JIAFG) community.

This is version 1 of the official JIAFG livery pack for the Hornet. It includes 5 different camos:

- Ghost (Night Camo)
- Low Vis
- Winter
- Woodland
- Desert

Feedback is always welcome!

JIAFG is a relaxed community of DCS enthusiasts where we fly around, do operations and take part in events together. We have no requirements to join (as long as you have the base game of DCS installed) and participation in events is always optional. We also do not prune our memberships so if you have to go away for long periods of time, or you have a very long burn-out then you will be welcome back as much as you were when you first joined.

If you are interested in joining please feel free to join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/ZD3HZFa (outfit defunct)


2020-06-11 - Fixed typo in the folder name making it so it does not work for people installing this as their first Hornet skin
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 58.01 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1044
  • Comments: 2