Operation Catfish

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Operation Catfish

Uploaded by - MettDeiman
Date - 12/23/2019 21:10:11
An easy and quick mission for all those pilots that don´t want totheir own mission and fly without knowing what assets are on the map.

VERY IMPORTANT!!: I don´t have the F/A-18C module nor the F-14B so it is crucial to change in the editor the pilot of the strike flight from the AI one to client or player. If you want to change also the AI wingman or the AI CAP flight you can do it and fly with your friends.

The UN is creating a meeting so Russia, and the rebel parties recently created that have taken several cities close to the North of the Georgian border, can agreed to a hold fire. These rebel parties aseure that the russian airforce is attacking bridges and parthways out of the cities so the supporters of the rebellion and civilians stay hidden on them, just to proceed with several heavy artilley barrage with MRLS and heavy guns on hospitals and schools, where the injured and civilians take shelter. Your mission is to perform a recon flight and take photos using the LITENING pod of the forbbiden weaponry by the UN, and destroy it If necessary.( On my mind you place the pod in the asset and take a screenshot for the photo, maybe one day ED...)
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 39.27 Kb
  • Downloaded: 150
  • Comments: 2
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