MOD CESSNA C 185 SKYWAGON DCS adaptation by Eric et Patrick

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MOD CESSNA C 185 SKYWAGON DCS adaptation by Eric et Patrick

Type - Mod
Uploaded by - Patrick56
Date - 10/17/2019 13:30:40
Author of the FSX  model ....MARK ROOKS...we thank him warmly

JSGME MOD: Only one mod of this type right at a time, and  you must have the P-51D Module.
Before each update put the mod on the left.

Autonomy about 350 km at average power
-tank n ° 1...........150 km approximately.
Clickable cockpit and more animations
Fly at a reasonable speed because this Cessna is a little overstimulated P51 requires, you will save fuel.

Save your missions in the editor in 'my missions'

Good flight

Transposition and adaptation on DCS World 2.5.5
Eric and Patrick Cuesta

Author of the FSX  model ....MARK ROOKS...we thank him warmly

JSGME MOD: Only one mod of this type right at a time, and  you must have the P-51D Module.
Before each update put the mod on the left.

Autonomy about 350 km at average power
-tank n ° 1...........150 km approximately.
Clickable cockpit and more animations
Fly at a reasonable speed because this Cessna is a little overstimulated P51 requires, you will save fuel.

Save your missions in the editor in 'my missions'

Good flight

Transposition and adaptation on DCS World 2.5.5
Eric and Patrick Cuesta
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 94.82 Mb
  • Downloaded: 2172
  • Comments: 5