F/A-18C Hornet - Weapons QRH Quick Reference Handbook / Checklist / Kneeboard by Pokeraccio V.2.0 ***17MAY21*** Update

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F/A-18C Hornet - Weapons QRH Quick Reference Handbook / Checklist / Kneeboard by Pokeraccio V.2.0 ***17MAY21*** Update

Type - Document
Uploaded by - Pokeraccio
Date - 08/08/2019 10:46:05
F/A-18C Hornet - Weapons QRH Quick Reference Handbook / Checklist / Kneeboard by Pokeraccio V.2.0 ***Update 17MAY21***

Hi all NEW VERSION 2.0 is here to celebrate the DCS 2.7!

Just a simple DCS F/A-18C Hornet Weapons QRH

F/A-18C Hornet - Weapons QRH Quick Reference Handbook / Checklist / Kneeboard by Pokeraccio V.2.0 *Update17MAY21*

***17MAY21*** UPDATE

Hi all NEW VERSION 2.0 is here to celebrate the DCS 2.7!

Just a simple DCS F/A-18C Hornet Weapons QRH made up by 10 pages (+10 pages night friendly).
Since update 1.7b added as a test 1 more page LIM (Limitations) also give it a sort of ipad look both clean/dirt version (removed since V1.8), to print or use as kneeboard in Game and/or on IPAD with some useful info about F/A-18C Hornet Armaments/Weapons/Flight Deck procedure, very basic but handy especially during the first missions.
Tested in Open Beta, used also in Stable just some feature may be not present, yet.
If you need for any reason an older version drop me a line on forum page.

To have it in Kneeboard, just unzip and copy png files accordingly (if folders are not there, create new ones):

\Saved Games\DCS\Kneeboard\FA-18C_hornet
\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Kneeboard\FA-18C_hornet

The basic idea has been developed by others in various way, I just made my own version for personal use. As per request, I'd like to share it.

Please feel free to join Forum Page for suggestion, correction etc etc not here on USER FILE section due to missing  notification, please write on the forum page:


If you need a pdf version (Day/Night) :


This is a personal, self made, QRH that I am pleased to share with the entire community of DCS-WORLD F/A-18C enthusiasts, also to thank all the users that share their files with us all, and contents creators which I referred to when I made this document. I hope you’ll find it useful.
Please, DO not use for real world OPS or training - Use this guide only for DCS - F/A-18C
Enjoy. Cheers

by Pokeraccio


-NEW VERSION is here to celebrate the DCS 2.7;
-New document, layout, colors, graphics, overall adjustments;
-Clearer Resolution, quite ok also in VR;
-AGM-88C HARM PreBriefed Mode/Code List added; Self Prot. - PullBack Sub Mode;
-BDU 45/ 45B Training Bombs added;
-AGM-84H SLAM-ER added (so we'll be ready);
-added one page and revisited page numbers;
-Correction of inaccuracies in general on the whole document;
-updated system logic up to Open Beta

-GBU-24 Paveway III added;
-added one page and revisited page numbers
-Some layout adjustments
-correction of inaccuracies in general on the whole document

-AGM-84E SLAM added;
-some small system update (TGP),
-ZIP Content: PDF Frame vers, PNG Frame and No Frame vers, glass and dust version removed as not so useful (If you liked I can provide it).

-Small Update, correction of inaccuracies in general on the whole document, added as a test a new page on DAY version (Limitations), graphics enhancements with ipad look, dust and finger prints, both version clean/dirt available in zip.

-General Update, corrected SMS settings for Unguided Bombs, pages/color, added 2 page (total of 7 pages) on LEP-List of Effective Pages= changed/new pages List since last update

-added AGM-62 Walleye II;
-General Document Update, pages/color/dimensions, added 1 page (total of 5 pages),

-Update pages 2/4 and 2/4 NV with MAVF/TGP Checklist

-Update pages 1/4 and 1/4 NV with a TGP Checklist

-Update Store Settings for CBUs Page 3/4

-added Night friendly version

- Harpoon added
- Page Order


  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 6.03 Mb
  • Downloaded: 12829
  • Comments: 35