F/A-18C Pylon Shadow Texture Fix

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DCS World 2.5

F/A-18C Pylon Shadow Texture Fix

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - _mu110_
Date - 08/07/2019 23:05:00
This texture replacement for the Hornet will get rid of the unattractive baked in shadows on the underside of the wings that are clearly visible and look very out of place when flying any livery without pylons. These two textures replace the default roughmet files, which means this fix will be applied to any skins you install that do not already come with their own custom roughmet texture.

This fix can be applied either on a per-skin basis, or for all of your F/A-18C liveries depending on how you install it. Please consult the text file included in the download for in depth instructions on how to do this.

Installation for all Hornet liveries:
Navigate to [YOUR DCS INSTALL]/CoreMods/aircraft/FA-18C/Textures folder. Locate the FA-18C.zip file. Copy the F18C_1_DIF_RoughMet and F18C_2_DIF_RoughMet texture files from the this download into the zip file.
You can also unzip it to a folder, add .zip to the end of the folder's name, and edit the files this way.
I would suggest setting this up using JSGME/OvGME to avoid having to reinstall these textures after every update.

Please let me know if you have any trouble installing these textures. Enjoy!
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 30.19 Mb
  • Downloaded: 269
  • Comments: 2