F-14 TopGun: main menu + opening theme

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F-14 Tomcat

F-14 TopGun: main menu + opening theme

Type - Other
Uploaded by - 2013
Date - 04/26/2019 21:07:43
Zu Ehren des schönsten Marinejägers:
Hauptmenü-Skin für die F-14 Tomcat und dem Titelsound aus dem Film TopGun.

Viel Spass!

In honor of the most beautiful navy fighter jet:
Main menu skin for the F-14 Tomcat and the theme sound from the movie TopGun.

Have fun!

Installation im Spieleverzeichnis DCS World:
*Anmerkung - Bitte Kopien der Originale anlegen und abspeichern
Installation in the game directory DCS World:
*note - please create and save copies of the originals


MainMenuIn.ogg & MainMenuLoop.ogg
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Deutsch
  • Size: 11.41 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1983
  • Comments: 3
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