P51 Mustang

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DCS World 2.5
P-51D Mustang

P51 Mustang

Type - Track
Uploaded by - ctguy1955
Date - 03/30/2019 14:21:41
I call this the Pier Challenge.   I did it in the Yak52 first and now the P51.  Dora will be next.   I am using a 2080Ti but cant seem to get
the whole screen in. Using TrackIR5 is not as good as VR as You can sense the depth and hight in VR much better.

I cant make it through any of the tunnels that others have done in DCS but this sure is FUN !!!

Fly through the cranes in Persian Gulf using whatever plane or jet that will fit.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 2.05 Mb
  • Downloaded: 272
  • Comments: 2
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