TEMPLATE - SEA EAGLE - A4 vs. F14 (A Top Gun-inspired template for DCS/Nevada)

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TEMPLATE - SEA EAGLE - A4 vs. F14 (A Top Gun-inspired template for DCS/Nevada)

Type - Other
Uploaded by - TheHighwayman
Date - 03/13/2019 02:56:47
This is a template for those wishing to build 'Top Gun' type scenarios using the A4 (freeware) mod and the F-14.

Please read the notes inside the mission briefing.

Features 8 Aggressors, 12 Students, Groom Lake no-fly zone, Nellis "container" to facilitate mission planning and teamwork, nearly 200 custom triggers, pilot callsigns, skill levels set, and more.

It is expected you will use this template as a base for designing your own missions. However, the mission can instantly be flown as a single-player, stand alone with the F-18 as an aggressor. But don't expect it to be particularly fun, the idea is for you to build your own single player or multiplayer experience.

Good luck and have fun!

A4 vs F14 template with nearly 200 triggers customized for each aircraft. Use this file to build your own cooperative, multiplayer, or single player missions.

Be sure to check out the Sea Eagle missions for the A4. Search for SEA EAGLE in the 'user files' section.

Good luck!

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 66.78 Kb
  • Downloaded: 319
  • Comments: 0
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