Fix for Harrier AV-8B cockpit switches: consistent mouse clicks

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DCS World 2.5
AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL

Fix for Harrier AV-8B cockpit switches: consistent mouse clicks

Type - Mod
Uploaded by - Redglyph
Date - 01/16/2019 19:02:35
Simple replacement for the clickabledata.lua file, which fixes the wrong right/left mouse click behaviour of some of the knobs and switches in the cockpit (see the DCS standard in the image of this mod).

See thread for the discussion.

Tested on DCS, may not work on later version.

1) Which files to patch?

The two files are in <DCS>\Mods\aircraft\AV8BNA\Cockpit\, where <DCS> is your installation directory. Those files are:
- clickable_defs.lua
- clickabledata.lua

2) How to patch DCS?

First, check that the patch is compatible with your current version. To do that, compare the two files above in your current DCS version with the original unpatched files downloaded here, respectively:
- (downloaded here) with your clickable_defs.lua (in DCS\Mods\aircraft\AV8BNA\Cockpit\)
- (downloaded here) with your clickabledata.lua (in DCS\Mods\aircraft\AV8BNA\Cockpit\)

If both files match yours, then you can replace your files with those downloaded here (clickable_defs.lua and clickabledata.lua).

3) If something goes wrong

It's best to keep a backup of your original files. If you don't have them, you can either replace clickabledata.lua with and clickable_defs.lua with Or you can revert the modification by doing a repair (check the site

4) What happens if I update DCS?

The patches are removed,  you have to re-do the procedure: check that the new version is still compatible and replace the files.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 17.5 Kb
  • Downloaded: 382
  • Comments: 0
Tags: AV-8B, switches, fix, mod
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