DC3/C47 Paratroop

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DCS World 2.5

DC3/C47 Paratroop

Type - Mod
Uploaded by - Stonehouse
Date - 10/20/2018 08:40:48
A military paratroop version of the DC3/C47 mod. New 3D shapes courtesy of Markindel and packaged with military liveries with kind permission of Markindel/CrazyEddie. Revamped FM values in an attempt to more accurately represent the performance of the real aircraft. Ability to drop WW2 era troops inspired by the work of Eric and Patrick Cuesta's AC130 mod.  

<edit> 22/10/2018 re-uploaded to fix sound issue
<edit> 25/10/2018 re-uploaded to correct the engine type issue and include readme advising how to get piston engine sounds from the aircraft if the user wishes to
<edit> 03/11/2018 re-uploaded. Converts the engines back to piston engines from turboprop and sound file workaround no longer required. Updated some FM values based on new information found in a 1951 journal from The Aeronautical Society of India. Added mission editor load outs.

This version features a new central 3D shape with an opening jump door. It adds new weapon shapes to represent WW2 era parachute troops.

Best used with the WW2 carpet bombing waypoint action as the length of the bomb pattern can be used to control the frequency of dropping the troops.

Available loads are:
WW2 parachute troops, alternate variant with smoke and flare attached.

Note some historical reference information is included in the mod zipfile.

Huge thank you to Markindel for his work on the new 3D models and also CrazyEddie for his kind permission to use his liveries and Eric and Patrick for showing it was possible with their AC130 mod.

As per Markindel's original DC3 mod based on the DC3 model from Emmanuel Baranger. Emmanuel's model is made available under the Creative Commons license in addition to Markindel receiving his personal permission to use the DC3 back in 2016. Note the Creative Commons license includes permission to adapt the model even for commercial purposes as long as accreditation is given to the author and the changes noted. See <a class="txttohtmllink" href="https://sketchfab.com/models/b30f4fd780934184b123e35522512fa2">https://sketchfab.com/models/b30f4fd780934184b123e35522512fa2</a>  and <a class="txttohtmllink" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/</a>

The Cargo and Paratroop versions of the mod includes changes to the fuselage model in regard to the rear door. The new droppables are Markindel's original work and used with his permission.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 80.43 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1910
  • Comments: 11
Tags: DC3, C47, WW2