This is a cooperative mission for the blue side in 3 phases. BLUEFOR have started an invasion of the Iranian region where recent missile launches into the Emirates are believed to originate from. Red forces are attempting to throw back the blue invasion forces.
Edit 3/2/2019: I made sure all friendly fighters, such as AWACS, have EPLRS enabled, so that they contribute to the SA picture.
Phase I: A2A (F/A-18s): gain air superiority over Bandar Abbas and Hadarya. SIGINT has determined that reds have 10 A2A fighters and a much larger number of CAS fighters at their disposal. Phase one is completed once the 10 A2A fighters have been eliminated.<br /><br />
Supporting roles: CAS/SEAD (F/A-18, A-10C and Av-9B): Coordinate with A2A. As the A2A situation improves, launch strikes against target airfields taking out red forces (focus on SAMs).<br /><br />
CSAR (UH-1H): Provide CSAR to support blue A2A effort (every rescued pilot puts one friendly A2A AI fighter into the air).<br /><br />
Phase II: CAS/SEAD (A-10C and Av-9B): Eliminate remaining red forces at target airfields.<br /><br />
Land at target airbases (UH-1H): Land troops at enemy airbases to capture them and turn them blue (blue SAMs are generated at air bases once captured). Phase II ends with the capture of both bases.<br /><br />
Supporting roles: A2A (F/A-18s): Target enemy CAS fighters.<br /><br />
Phase III: CAS/SEAD (A-10C, Av-9B and F/A-18s): Engage enemy ground forces at the target AO. Mission will stop after a total play time of 2.5 hours, and the status of the mission will be saved.<br /><br />
Supporting roles: CSAR and troop transport (UH-1H). Provide CSAR and plant blue MANPAD units at strategic locations.<br /><br />
<br /><br />
target AO: JTAC Axeman, 31 MHz FM, AFAC Enfield 126 MHz AM<br /><br />
blue flights are on 125 AM<br /><br />
AWACS Overlord is on 124 MHz AM