F86 Cougar MFD Cards

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F86 Cougar MFD Cards

Type - Document
Uploaded by - tom_19d
Date - 10/15/2018 18:57:31
F86 Cougar MFD Cards

Thank you for your interest in my TM Cougar MFD screen templates.  The PDF document is 8.5 x 11 inches.  "Actual Size" printing is best, as opposed to applying any scaling options.  Once printed, cut them out on the very light gray guidelines provided to allow them to fit in the MFDs.  I use card stock paper to make them more sturdy, but anything will work.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 67.72 Kb
  • Downloaded: 535
  • Comments: 0