NTTR Boulder/Vegas Airbase Assault / Convoy Escort Mission AV8 (Mission 1)

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NTTR Boulder/Vegas Airbase Assault / Convoy Escort Mission AV8 (Mission 1)

Uploaded by - moespeeds
Date - 08/31/2018 17:40:16
NTTR Multiplayer Mission, first in a series. Supports 1-10 players. It's 2 simultaneous missions that can be played separately, see briefing. There is an F10 radio option to kill the SAMs at Boulder if you don't feel like conducting SEAD. Mission may show that it needs the VPC objects MOD, but it does not, and will run without any mods installed. F18 is also supported in the CAP role.<br />
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I appreciate all feedback!

VMA 231 has been tasked with supporting the assault & capture of the Airfield at Boulder as part of the greater effort to take the City of Las Vegas.<br />
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Ground forces have secured the Colorado River as far North as Hoover Dam. VMA 231 will conduct SEAD and a Strike in support of the Assault on the Airfield at Boulder. We will also support the simultaneous rescue effort for a group of downed pilots being held at a makeshift prison complex located in the center of Boulder City, North of the Airfield. <br />
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There is a significant SAM threat North of the Mountain range at the North side of Boulder City (phase line ALPHA). Do not cross these mountains. The city of Boulder is unsecured, so be on the lookout for MANPADS and AAA. <br />
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Mission Notes: The Airfield Strike or Convoy Escort/CAS can be played separate if you want. Either mission can be completed in about an hour, and are independent of each other. It will get dark towards the end of the mission, so verify that you have NVGs in the aircraft or adjust mission time in editor. EAGLE or HAWK can depart from FARP Dallas to save time. There is an F10 radio option to kill the SAMs at Boulder if you do not want to conduct SEAD. There is also a radio option for EAGLE to force the convoy to continue to WP10 (final) if they get stuck in Boulder city on buildings or whatever. You can use it over and over every time they get stuck. If you use it before they get to the prison, they will not rescue the hostages!<br />
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Check out if you are looking for a dedicated and serious AV8 squadron! If you are willing to put in the time, we will teach you to fly the Harrier!
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 5.49 Mb
  • Downloaded: 669
  • Comments: 1
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