Operation Dragon Fly

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DCS World 2.5

Operation Dragon Fly

Uploaded by - Habu_69
Date - 07/23/2018 12:14:00
You will lead a flight of 4xF/A-18C Hornets, launching from USS Stennis at 0500 on a night attack on an Iranian attack boat facility. At Al Minhad descend to 200 FT and fly NOE and EMCON to the target. Stealth is essential for mission success. Zip includes data card, flight plan and intel photos.

Sigint and Humint sources confirm that Iran is covertly enriching uranium to weapons-grade material in defiance of UN resolutions; and the United States has deployed Carrier Task Group 3 to the northern Indian Ocean to conduct naval exercises in a show of force. Armed Iranian speedboats have been harassing US Navy ships with hit and run feints; however earlier today, during one of those incursions, gunfire erupted. Assured that the Iranians fired first, POTUS has authorized a strike on the Iranian Navy small boat facility near Bostanu, Iran, believed to be the home port of the Iranian boat attackers. CTG3 operations has planned a surprise night attack.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 2.3 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1172
  • Comments: 10
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