Persian Gulf map/miz. Airfields populated with Civ/Mil Aircraft,

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Persian Gulf map/miz. Airfields populated with Civ/Mil Aircraft,

Uploaded by - flyingscotsman
Date - 07/15/2018 18:04:41
single mission, nothing set, so you can make a mission/blow up what you want etc. The main airports have aircraft populated. I have set some Intl bases as RAF or USAF military locations on the mainland. I have populated two bases in Iran but not set any anti-air etc. In homage to those contributers who help us so regularly. Just makes the place less empty. Not historically accurate, just to put planes on the ground and look less bare.

Using cold war/NATO settings, herewith a Persian Gulf Map, with aircraft at most airports. (For those who cannot do this) I have made Sharjah Intl an RAF Sharjah Base. (It was many years ago & I am from many years ago).
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 37.31 Kb
  • Downloaded: 561
  • Comments: 2