Cleans most of the grime on the canopy, reduces light distortions, and adds subtle fade in-out interior reflections. Fills sealant gaps along the back of canopy glass and reduces sealant around mirror.
v1.1: Mirror sealant cleaned-up, removed distortions around canopy, further cleaning of glass, reduced grime along canopy edges, hud reflection less persistent, hud glass edges lightened.
v1.2: Fixed to pass integrity check, selectable as a cockpit livery, modified reflections.
v1.3: Works now with English Cockpit; asp range needle and tips on toggle switches no longer shaded black in English cockpit.
v1.4: Works now with Chinese cockpit; works with updated radar glass.
Use with JSGME.
When mod activated go from Main Menu to -> Options -> Special -> MiG-21bis and select "English - Metric", "Russian - Cleaned Glass, Reflections", or "Chinese" under liveries drop-down box.
The reflections are dependent on lighting condition and are not persistent.