F/A-18C Training Mission v14 - Persian Gulf

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F/A-18C Training Mission v14 - Persian Gulf

Uploaded by - jayc981
Date - 06/13/2018 07:25:22
F/A-18C Training Mission with 2 carrier groups, 2 tankers, A2A and A2G targets

Practice traps and air refueling. Ground targets at way-points 01, 02, 03 with increasing difficulty.
Use F-10 to spawn air targets.
All info in briefing.

Added F-10 option to make air defenses at way-point 2 stronger.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 76.51 Kb
  • Downloaded: 2656
  • Comments: 5