Redleg's BVR Acquisition and Engagement Practise

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DCS World 2.5

Redleg's BVR Acquisition and Engagement Practise

Uploaded by - Redleg01
Date - 06/05/2018 17:14:29
Work with your AWACS to acquire and then destroy a flight of SU-25s that are attacking Kobuleti.  Watch out for the MiGs.  Hit either an S3 or KC-130 Tanker so you'll have enough fuel to find and land on the carrier.

This mission is designed to give you practice working with AWACS and manipulating the F/A-18's radar.  The SU-25s will ingress at low altitude along the coastline and are not easy to acquire.  I've included both an S3 and a KC-130 tanker so you can see which you like better.  You'll also get some practice setting up and using the TACAN to locate the tankers and carrier.  
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 76.18 Kb
  • Downloaded: 1643
  • Comments: 3