Fictional Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Hornet V1.0

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Fictional Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Hornet V1.0

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - Bipolarbear
Date - 06/02/2018 19:03:01
A little fictional skin I've been working on for the Hornet, in the style of the Sea Harriers and Phantoms of the Royal Navy, prior to ther Falklands War.

This is my first hornet skin so there may be an improved version coming in the future. Any feedback is aprpeciated

A little fictional skin I've been working on for the Hornet, in the style of the Sea Harriers and Phantoms of the Royal Navy, prior to ther Falklands War.

This is my first hornet skin so there may be an improved version coming in the future. Any feedback is aprpeciated
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 4.18 Mb
  • Downloaded: 533
  • Comments: 0