The Battle For Georgia

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The Battle For Georgia

Uploaded by - markuswohlgenannt
Date - 03/20/2018 03:03:02
Russian forces are pitted against a coalition of US and French forces for control of western Georgia. The current front line extends roughly west to east, going through the towns of Poti and Lanchuti. Both sides rely heavily both on helicopter forces and airpower. The air battle is largely fought by F-5E and Mirage 2000-C aircraft on the blue side and Mig-21bis and the red side. The blue side has the advantage of AV-8B and A-10C CAS fighter assets. AV-8Bs also provide some SEAD capability.

This is a dynamic mission that can be played in SP or MP.

Mig-21bis flights:
Provide air cover for the CAS flights, and eliminate all enemy fighters in the area. AWACS 999  is on 129.5 MHz AM. Expected blue aircraft are F-5E-3s, A-10As and M-2000Cs.

A-10C flights:
Engage enemy truck and APC convoys [Finger will automatically lase for you once spotted], eliminate red armor at WP 1, and thereafter, at WP 2. WP 3 - 5 are enemy bases.

AV8BNA flights:
Engage enemy APC convoys [Finger will automatically lase for you once spotted], eliminate red armor at WP 1, and thereafter, at WP 2. WP 3 - 5 are enemy bases. Depending on loadout, perform SEAD and eliminate enemy SAMs at airfields. Own flight is on radio Ch. 1, allied flights are on radio 2 Ch. 18, AWACS is on radio 1 Ch. 18

M-2000C & F-5E-3 flights:
Provide air cover for the CAS flights, and eliminate all enemy fighters in the area. AWACS own flight is on Ch. 1, airfield on Ch. 2, and AWACS on Ch. 3.

UH-1H and Mi-8MT flights:
You are tasked with CSAR [use F10 menu to see CSAR list]. Rescue a pilot by flying to its location (an infantry soldier is used as a stand-in) and land within 100 m. If pilot ejected over water, you won't see the stand-in (he is on the sea floor), use flare marker (F10 menu) instead. If landing is not possible, e.g. in a heavily wooded area or over water, hover over downed pilot for 10s at 35 - 50 m AGL. Return the rescued pilots to a friendly airbase or active MASH. You may also be called upon to rescue sailors from vessels in distress.
You are also tasked with air assault. Load soldiers using the F10 menu. The objective is to capture enemy bases. This is done by eliminating all enemy forces from the base, and landing our troops there (use F10 to offload troops). You can request a heavily armed escort helicopter (F-10 menu) to assist you in this task, also your wingman is configured as a gunship. You can also drop troops to engage enemy infantry or air defenses, and drop MANPADS. Use F-10 menu 'CSAR/air mobility tasks' for further info.
There are active and inactive MASHs in the mission. You can turn inactive MASHs into active ones by supplying them by sling load.

Gazelle and Ka-50 flights:
You are tasked with eliminating red armor at WP 1. After WP1 is clear of all enemy units, proceed to eliminate enemy units at WP 2. You are also tasked with attacking enemy airbases to support helo-air assault efforts to capture them.

blue flights are on 125 AM
blue helo escorts (once requested) are on 124 AM
red flights are on 128.5 AM
red helo escorts (once requested) are on 127.5 AM
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 906.54 Kb
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