Operation Iron Shield

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AJS-37 Viggen

Operation Iron Shield

Uploaded by - Leodaman_7
Date - 02/15/2018 03:22:58
Russia has invaded northern Georgia known as Abkhazia and a Coalition of US, UK and Sweden has initiated an operation to break the Russian Armed Forces and force them out of Georgia. The mission is made for AJS 37 but can be modified to work with other Attack Aircrafts.

This is my first Mission Creation and I've spent quite some time making it :p Hope you enjoy!
Its made up of a lot of triggers and one finished task will lead to opening of others. I have implemented lots of audio messages to add to the immersion of the mission, not sure how its works (if they are saved into the mission file or what, i doubt it) so I've uploaded them as well. Put the map with files some where on your computer, i got it in my mission folder. If u find any bugs or stuff that needs to be changed feel free to contact me and Ill see what I can do :) again Enjoy!  

Skin mods used:
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 15.39 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1611
  • Comments: 4
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