Profile TM T16000M FCS HOTAS for M2000C

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Profile TM T16000M FCS HOTAS for M2000C

Uploaded by - nunupt
Date - 01/14/2018 19:53:23
Control Profile TM T16000M FCS HOTAS for M2000C

M2000C profile for TM T16000 HOTAS. Beware that I do not have much experience with M2000C so this profile may still need some work.

This is heavily inspired by spectator257 excellent M2000C profile for TM HOTAS.X and tries to reproduce the real life HOTAS functionality separated by joystick/throttle apart from a few exceptions.

NOTE: Modifiers have to be configured manually prior to loading these profiles, else mappings which use modifiers won't work.

Any suggestions for improvements or constructive criticisms are very welcome.

2018-02-26: Update - Corrected radar axis (is now inverted in profile)

2018-09-16: Airbrakes now work with no modifier
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 657.3 Kb
  • Downloaded: 2299
  • Comments: 3