F15 Audio Pack v5 for DCS ver. 2.5.6

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F15 Audio Pack v5 for DCS ver. 2.5.6

Type - Sound
Uploaded by - hubson001
Date - 12/17/2017 23:23:16
Fixes and tweaks for latest DCS version. Important: different installation path

Version 5: many new things, almost every sound has been changed or tweaked

This mod adds some variety and realism (in my opinion) to jets external sounds. The aim was to recreate the beauty of the passing fighter jet sound as best as possible within the limitation of the DCS sound design. Most of the audios in the mod come from the F15 recordings and only for the eagle they are carefully balanced and edited. Other fighters share some of these audios unintentionally but the mod doesn't change their distinctive engine sounds note.

Short preview clip (ver5):

Forum thread:


Place "Sounds" folder into C:\Users\<LOGIN>\Saved Games\DCS or C:\Users\<LOGIN>\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta


Delete "Sounds" folder in C:\Users\<LOGIN>\Saved Games\DCS or C:\Users\<LOGIN>\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 185.4 Mb
  • Downloaded: 5992
  • Comments: 31