DCS Configuration Manager

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DCS Configuration Manager

Type - Utility
Uploaded by - FitzZZ
Date - 11/03/2017 09:22:39
The DCS Configuration Manager was created to make the tough DCS life a little easier and help you with those pesky configuration files! The goal was to make you interact with the app itself as little as possible, as noone likes more overhead before you can go fly your sortie! Use it once, set everything up - done!

-- DCS Configuration Manager --

What's this?

The DCS Configuration Manager was created to make the tough DCS life a little easier and help you with those pesky configuration files! The goal was to make you interact with the app itself as little as possible, as noone likes more overhead before you can go fly your sortie! Use it once, set everything up - done!


- Shared, single-instance control mappings!
Links your control settings of all your DCS instances to just one. No more import/export when you changed your mappings and switch from 1.5 to 2.0! (or to beta, or any direction really).

- VR configuration management!
Don't own a GeForce 1280ti yet? Need to turn down you GFX to play VR every time and switch it back later? Now you can change between VR and non-VR configurations with just one click in the app. Don't want to start the app? Let it create shortcuts for you, so you can directly launch the right version with the right configuration!

- Updater!
Starting the app will also check for updates, so you don't miss out on new features. Doesn't happen when you use the app created shortcuts, though. DCS startup times are long enough...

Things to note:

- Windows 10 SmartScreen will not trust it in the early weeks of release (until I know how to stop it from ignoring the certificate when downloaded from the internet)
- If you're really paranoid (and I won't blame you for that), grab the source, check the code and compile it yourself.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 270.11 Kb
  • Downloaded: 2544
  • Comments: 2