Operation Wicker Summit

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DCS World 2.8

Operation Wicker Summit

Uploaded by - RocketmanAL
Date - 10/06/2017 04:03:25
A multiplayer mission covering a variety of disciplines in a fictional scenario based on the Caucasus map. 20 total slots across 6 platforms give everyone a role to play in this combined air-to-air and air-to-ground mission.

Modules included:
F-16- CAP
F-15E- Ground Attack
A-10- CAS
F/A-18 - SEAD
UH-1- Transport

Dabu forces have launched an invasion of their southern neighbor, Yerba. The Yerbian military was caught completely by surprise and unprepared for the offensive, which has already cut 45 miles into its northern province. Now the provincial capital Sukhumi, is under threat. The Yerbans are preparing to defend their city by sending in reinforcements from the south. They likely won’t reach the city in time without some type of delay to the Yerbian forces. Additionally, the provincial governor has been ordered to evacuate the city prior to the battle to avoid his capture. Under air cover, an evacuation mission will be conducted.

Protect the city of Sukhumi from the Dabu attack. Destroy the Dabu spearhead and aircraft providing support. Prevent them from securing the two bridges that will allow them access to the city. Up to five armored companies have been observed.  Enemy air reinforcements are also likely to counter-attack, so be prepared to react to enemy fixed- and rotary-wing assets.

If the Dabu spearhead manages to cross the bridges we have been authorized to destroy the two bridges to prevent them from crossing forces into the city. Destroying the bridges is a last resort, as it will hinder the planned counter-offensive to recapture Yerbian territory under Dabu control. One SA-11 has been detected deployed at the captured Gudauta AFD. Additionally, enemy BARCAP is active over Sukhumi. Both these elements must be eliminated to enable air operations over the city.

Here is a video of us running the mission: https://youtu.be/m84EFQx3lA0


Installation Directions:
Unzip the folder and move .miz file to Saved Games/DCS/Missions folder. PDF is a briefing for the mission and can be saved anywhere.

Estimated Mission Time: 90 mins
Minimum Recommended Players: 12 players

Oct 2017: V1.0- Release
Oct 2023: V2.0- Updated to 2.8, added voiceovers, improved triggers, added F-16, F/A-18, A-10CII, F-15E, AH-64,

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  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 6.38 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1221
  • Comments: 4
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