PLAAF Chinese MiG-15Bis

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PLAAF Chinese MiG-15Bis

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - jamison19822
Date - 07/24/2017 23:51:11
this is the PLAAF Chinese MiG-15Bis from the korean war

this is the PLAAF Chinese MiG-15Bis from the korean war

includes a clean and a dirty skin

This is JSGME / OVGME ready. simply extract and place within the mods folder.

If installing manually simply follow the file structure within dcs ( coremods - aircraft - Mig-15bis - Liveries- Mig-15bis ) and place in here .
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 31.64 Mb
  • Downloaded: 839
  • Comments: 1
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