MiG-21bis ESCORT OP Hunters SP A2A Mission

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MiG-21bis ESCORT OP Hunters SP A2A Mission

Uploaded by - ZoomBoy27
Date - 06/06/2017 19:20:04
A 2 flight of MiG-21bis are escorting and shielding a flight of Black Shark Ka-50 777 who will take out observation posts that will call down fire on our ground force Troop Alpha. There are two waves of bogeys with solid replayability with varied opponents (F5E, C101, MiG-21bis) coming from different directions.

Your 2 x MiG-21bis flight is in support of a heli troop as they protect the push by Troop Alpha through the desert by to their stop-line.

It will be a battle of recon versus recon to set the battle space.
Your task is to help clear the way for an allied troop.

Allied Ka-50s are to eliminate three observation posts to allow passage of our ground units(Troop Alpha) - unseen and free to move without counter-artillery fire.

Solid replayability with two waves of bogeys with varied opponents (F5E, C101, MiG-21bis)

Clear the air before them

Diversion AirBase
Creech AFB  - Channel 3

Radio ===========

Groom Lake - Channel 1

AWACS - Channel 2

Creech AFB - Channel 3
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 1.88 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1132
  • Comments: 1
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