Gazelle - Expect the Unexpected

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DCS World 1.5
SA342 Gazelle

Gazelle - Expect the Unexpected

Uploaded by - Tannie737
Date - 05/05/2017 11:29:30
As a rookie Gazelle pilot you've just received your first operational posting - to a small British airbase bordering a Russian territory. Tensions are high in the area and you will be expected to reach operational standard quickly. Who knows, you may have to put your training into action sooner than you think! Expect the unexpected. . .

You completed a navigation exercise yesterday to get you acquainted with the local area. Today you're headed out to the target area to carry out weapons training.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 27.46 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1151
  • Comments: 2
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