Operation Kano Part 2:Beachball

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A-10C Warthog

Operation Kano Part 2:Beachball

Uploaded by - jers
Date - 11/13/2012 20:11:48
Part two of operation Kano: bad weather makes life difficult for your AFAC and your CAS flights alike, and you may run into some unexpected aerial company... regardless Gadauta must be taken and it must be taken tonight lest the insurgency is able to fortify their Northern positions.

Fighting anti-air and aircraft is hard enough, but now you must do it while also fighting the rain, low clouds, wind, and the awkward time of the morning when NVG's are a bit too much, and eyeballs are a bit too little.

This mission is HARD. Make no mistake, you also have limited supplies via the new warehouse system, so you have to make every maverick count.  An AFAC isn't necessary, but will make your life easier.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 2.83 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1371
  • Comments: 1
Tags: AFAC, IMC, ILS, Weather, Wx, Warthog
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