RUST&DIRT WW2 skin overlays

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Bf 109 K-4 Kurfurst

RUST&DIRT WW2 skin overlays

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - PicksKing
Date - 03/22/2017 21:15:40
Hi guys,

this is a multilayered skin overlay with rust, dirt and oil to make the Bf-109 look more weathered.
For this mod I expect, that you are able to handle liveries and you do have Photoshop or any equivalent software, which can process psd-files. Otherwise you may have problems to put it into a Bf-109 skin.

Redistribution is unlimited, because I would like to see more new skins wearing this stuff :-)

To avoid crossing the 100MB limit, I zipped it in rar5, so maybe WinRAR or 7zip will say that the archive is corrupted, which is wrong. You just need a to update your unzipper.

I just thought that the WW2 planes look way too clean and virgin so I made this livery overlay to change that. Of course a weathered look dont make sense in every case. For example the EADS foundation skin for the Bf-109 surely bases on a restored and still flying Bf-109. Those rare exemplars were groomed and maintained very properly. But for the upcoming normandy map its different. Its 1944, its war, which is getting into its final and most devastating stage and resources are getting shorter and shorter. Hopefully this will make any WW2 scenario even a little more authentic.

There are no complete liveries included!
There are two files in the archive, which are name with DIF and spec. DIF is the overall texture. Spec is the specular map. The brighter the more reflective is the surface. Both files include several layers with dirt, rust and oil, so you can choose which you want to have in your own skin and which not. Also you can change the opacity of any layer, in case you like the effect but maybe 100% opacity is too much. If you are done with that, copy and paste the layers into your own livery and save it in dds-format with alpha channel.

BTW I knooooow, that the shell of the most planes are made of an aluminum alloy and its corrosion looks way different than the corrosion of steel. I just love the look of rust. If this bothers you, you can recolor the rust layer of the DIF file into a light grey, which is more realistic.

You can also check this link to the forum. Texture overlays for other WW2 planes will follow there step by step.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 79.62 Mb
  • Downloaded: 805
  • Comments: 4
Tags: dirt, layer, livery, rust, skin
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