Spitfire MK IX Italian Bare Metal 2.x

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Spitfire LF Mk. IX

Spitfire MK IX Italian Bare Metal 2.x

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - Porcorosso86
Date - 02/17/2017 23:24:10
Owned of the 92 Squadriglia, 5 Stormo, Orio al Serio, 1949

Hi everybody
This skin rappresent the early camouflage of the Italian Air Force. After the WW2, the Air force of the young Republic owned some old Spit and Mustangs, veterans of the war with a lot of hours in their shoulders. In the first years, the AMI doesn't use any exotic camouflage like the old Italian Royal Air Force, but the blank bare metal, like USAF, with only the roundels and the Squadron Symbol.
His service history is:
39MU 14-10-44
222MU 10-11-44
Guinean 22-12-44
Casablanca 15-1-45
111 Squadron to Italian Air Force 26-6-47 as MM4112

Correct the roundels

Now compatible with 2.x

Type 1)
Drag the .rar contents directly on
\\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World
Type 2)
Go to:
C:\Users\UserName\Saved Games\DCS
And if isn't exist, create the folders
and put inside the folder.

Spitfire MK IX Italian Bare Metal 2.x  is a livery made by PorcoRosso86. Free license, do not redistribuite.
If you want to use my livery like a base of other, please put the credit and the link of the original skin.
Don't modify the original LUA comments of the original creator, but add another comment.

Happy Landings
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 23.09 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1117
  • Comments: 1
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