Aircraft Radio and Navigation Equipment Version 1.1

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Aircraft Radio and Navigation Equipment Version 1.1

Type - Document
Uploaded by - Lino
Date - 02/17/2017 21:58:04
As a preparation for the next "Beacon Map" generation I´ve compiled a list of all available navigation and radio equipment from every cockpit.

Next subgoal will be a step by step instruction for the use of every individual navigational aircraft system.

As soon as the reworked and newly developed DCS maps are in a final and public state, I´ll begin to rework the Beacon Maps.

As always, it´s a pleasure to receive improvement suggestions from the community.

Please visit to leave any feed back, comments and suggestions.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 22.37 Mb
  • Downloaded: 2431
  • Comments: 4