Yugoslav MiG-29B (L-18)

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DCS World 1.5

Yugoslav MiG-29B (L-18)

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - cromig21
Date - 02/12/2017 18:37:06
Skin for the Yugoslav air force MiG-29B (designated as L-18 in former Yugoslav air force) number 101 belonging to 127th squadron based at Batajnica air base. I tried to recreate the skin as close as possible using sparse photos of this particular machine. I plan on adding a few more skins belonging to the same unit so I will update this post as I upload them.
The skin is JSGME ready so just unzip an put the content in the _MODS folder.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 14.79 Mb
  • Downloaded: 883
  • Comments: 2