Wavehoppers Huey Medevac Campaign

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DCS World 1.5
UH-1H Huey

Wavehoppers Huey Medevac Campaign

Type - Campaign
Uploaded by - Wavehopper
Date - 01/10/2017 20:55:56
This campaign is now ancient and will most likely be horribly broken.

Evacuate wounded troops, and learn to fly the UH-1H.  You will contend with overloading, tight LZ's, and intense ground fire.

Required Mods (this will be the only required mod used by the campaign as I want it to be easy for newcomers to play this):
http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/346912/ (Home Fries excellent Medal of Honor skin pack)
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 87.24 Mb
  • Downloaded: 3672
  • Comments: 16