A German supply convoy is performing a run down the famous "Goodbye Motherland" highway. They are beginning their run from Lake Ritsa and will proceed south through the Two Brothers valley toward Byzb'. Allied forces must prevent their arrival. FW190 must protect them.
Lift Sochi Adler and proceed to Lake Ritsa to patrol the valley to Byzb'. Provide CAP to protect the convoy until they reach Byzb'. 16 allied M113 are known to be guarding the bridgeheads and towns as the convoy moves down the valley. Remove these threats.
Transit time for convoy estimated at 2 hours.
Late Ritsa: GRID FJ21 on map, 80 degrees for 26 nm from Sochi AF
Tower: 39.6 MHz on FuG16 Channel 1
RADAR is available on F10
Lift Guduata and proceed to Lake Ritsa to patrol the valley to Byzb'. Seek and Destroy the convoy to a force strength of <10% for Allied win. you have friendly M113 protecting the bridgeheads. FW190 will be trying to destroy these units.
Transit time for convoy estimated at 2 hours.
Late Ritsa: GRID FJ21 on map, 351 degrees for 22 nm from Guduata AF
Tower: 130 MHz on Channel A
RADAR is available on F10