Operation: Dark Heart

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P-51D Mustang

Operation: Dark Heart

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Date - 12/15/2016 17:47:29
It is April 1st, 1944.  The Axis advance circumventing the caucuses has been successful and a font has been established North/South along Kashuri.  Axis forces are being supplied from the eastern russian front into Tbilisi.  A bombing mission has been scheduled to shut down the main Tbilisi airfield to slow Axis ability to resupply their war effort.

Tbilisi Airfield.  Tower Channel 2

You must lift Tbilisi and fly Combat patrols West of your airfield in anticipation of the Allied bomber force.  Axis forces may only allow 2 bombers through if at all.  Any more will make airfield repairs impossible.

Total bomber flight time to target = 1 hour 15min

Any where between 4-7 enemy CAP flights may be on patrol West of Kashuri.  They will be at altitude in defense of the Bomber flight.  Elements may be 2 - 4 ship.  

Use Ground Control Interception available in radio menu.

Kutaisi Airfield. Tower Channel A
Kobuleti Airfield. Tower Channel C

You must lift Kutaisi and climb to 35,000' to rally with 10 x Bombers south of your airfield.   Prevent any Bomber loss to axis forces.  At least 3 bombers must reach the enemy field and drop for success.

Form on runway 08 to signal to Tower that Bombers can begin their course inbound.

Total bomber flight time to target = 1 hour 15min @ 170 MPH
NOTE: Bombers will descend to 25,000' for final attack run.

Any where between 4-7 enemy CAP flights may be on patrol East of Kashuri.  They will be at altitude in defense of Tbilisi airfield.  Elements may be 2 - 4 ship FW 190D or Bf109K4.

Use Ground Control Interception available in radio menu.
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