Adjustments sound files for the Mirage M-2000C (some are real Mirage 2000 Snecma engine sounds)

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Adjustments sound files for the Mirage M-2000C (some are real Mirage 2000 Snecma engine sounds)

Type - Sound
Uploaded by - Captain_Rob
Date - 10/06/2016 22:13:39
Adjusted Mirage 2000 sound files most based on the default Mirage sound files as created by Rlaxoxo from the RAZBAM tester team. Some sound files are from the real Mirage 2000 Snecma engine (found on the internet).

Again I made some adjustments for some of the sound files for the Mirage M-2000C. I found some real Mirage 2000 sound files on the internet which I was able adjust for the DCS Mirage 2000. The sounds  also depends on the the settings, soundcards as well sound boxes and or earphones you are using.
Please back up your default files of the Mirage!!!! Some files I changed some .ogg files in .wav files. I also adjusted the some of the sdef files (source definition files) When you unzip the rar file you find the map structure as used in DCS:
EXTERNAL SOUNDS for the Mirage:
DCS World OpenBeta/CoreMods/Aircraft/M-2000C/Sounds/Effects/Aircraft/Engines/SnecmaM53
DCS World OpenBeta/CoreMods/Aircraft/M-2000C/Sounds/sdef/Aircrafts/Engines/SnecmaM53
DCS World OpenBeta/Mods/Aircraft/M-2000C/Sounds/Effects/Aircraft/Engines/SnecmaM53
DCS World OpenBeta/Mods/Aircraft/M-2000C/Sounds/sdef/Aircrafts/Engines/SnecmaM53
The wav and ogg files are in the SnecmaM53 maps as you will find out.
I changed or replaced a part of the Mirage sound files but more or less based on the default Mirage sound files as created by Rlaxoxo from the RAZBAM tester team. He did an excellent job since the last Mirage updates. Maybe you like my adjustments. Good luck and try out
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 47.22 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1953
  • Comments: 3
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