A-10C中文飞行手册 (EGI+AAP+CDU)

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A-10C中文飞行手册 (EGI+AAP+CDU)

Type - Document
Uploaded by - carraro0127
Date - 07/02/2012 16:16:59
Chinese translation version part A of the DCS A-10C Flight Manual by ChinaVirtualPilot flight team.

Our team hopes to provide a highly consistency with Orinigal flight manual in order to  all Chinese to reading...and we also do our best to do this work.Other part of  translation will be release as soon....(all free download)

Part A including

ChinaVirtualPilot DCS A-10C Server: ChinaVirtualPilot China DCS PRO Server
ChinaVirtualPilot flight team Forum: http://a10c.dyndns.info/bbs/
ChinaVirtualPilot ts3 server: twflsima10c.no-ip.org
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 3.77 Mb
  • Downloaded: 133352
  • Comments: 3