DCS A-10 Saitek X52 Profile V2

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DCS A-10 Saitek X52 Profile V2

Uploaded by - Crispy001
Date - 06/01/2012 19:48:12
An updated profile for the standard (Not pro) X52 joystick based on my previous profile found here: http://files.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/173791/.

*Swapped slew and coolie hat controls to allow slewing with ministick
*Moved wheel brake to clutch
*Moved landing gear to pinkie + clutch
*Added autopilot toggle to throttle "D" button

Credit to Raggz for the handy dandy x52 template.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 4.76 Kb
  • Downloaded: 12229
  • Comments: 1