DCS Caucasus Terrain Texture Switcher Mod v1.5

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DCS Caucasus Terrain Texture Switcher Mod v1.5

Type - Mod
Uploaded by - uboats
Date - 06/02/2016 08:50:33
Motivated by many stunning Caucasus Texture mods, I made this Caucasus Terrain Texture Switcher Mod.
It allows players to keep all his/her favorite texture mods under different seasons, but enable preferred ones on-the-fly without tedious deleting/copying/pasting operations

It's JSGME ready!

thread EN: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=167862
thread CN: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=2798237

v1.5: for ob 1.5.5 fix
v1.4: for ob 1.5.4 with caucasus icon captured in Wags video
v1.3: restore land_texture, and building texture options
v1.2: fix missing texture issue (temporarily disabled land_texture, building, and maptexture options)
v1.1: quick fix for missing options folder

It works similar to my previous Customized Cockpit Texture Mod. You need to put a proper description.lua file in each customized terrain texture folder (those folders can only contain dds files)

Install Mod:
1. download the attachment, and unzip it
2. move the 'Caucasus Terrain Texture Switcher' folder to your JSGME mod folder
3. enable the mod via JSGME

** below steps are critical as well **
4. enter '\Mods\terrains\CaucasusBase\vfstextures' folder
5. put customized texture folder here, e.g. autumn_by_xxx, springother_by_xxx (you can give whatever name to the folder)
6. unzip the 'tex_description_lua_pack.zip' in the attachment, you will get 11 lua files (e.g. LandTexture.lua, LandTextureSpring.lua etc)
7. copy/paste each lua file to corresponding customized texture folder, and rename it to 'description.lua'
    e.g., 'autumn_by_xxx' is for LandTexturesAutumn, so you should copy/paste 'LandTexturesAutumn.lua' to 'autumn_by_xxx', and rename it to 'description.lua'
           'xxxaaaxx' is for Buildings_textures, then you should copy/paste 'Buildings_textures.lua' to 'xxxaaaxx', and rename it to 'description.lua'

8. Start game, and in Options->Special->Caucasus, you can decide which texture to load in game, respectively
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 76.13 Kb
  • Downloaded: 2528
  • Comments: 3