Sabre Rattlers

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DCS World 1.5
F-86F Sabre

Sabre Rattlers

Uploaded by - herky
Date - 04/27/2016 17:14:38
A single player mission set in the 1950's. Fly lead in a flight of four F86 Sabres. Provide Close Air Support for a flight of helicopter armed transports.  They will execute a landing behind enemy lines, to infill a platoon of Marines tasked to destroy a radio station an TV tower.

A Marine platoon is to be dropped behind enemy lines. A flight of four UH1's will provide the armed transport. Once landed, the marine force will gather intell, then destroy the radio and TV towers at the site. The area is defended by a company of motorised rifle troops, with 23mm AAA.
Enemy Mig 15's are active and will defend the installations.
Once the towers are destroyed the marines will move to the exfiltration zone and be embarked on to the Huey's.
Two four ship F86 Sabre flights, Springfield and Enfield will provide Close Air Support. You will lead Springfield flight.
The landing zone must be cleared of a defending motorised infantry company before the helicopter force arrives. Then close air support must be maintained until the mission is completed and the marines are aboard the helicopters.
Mission success depends upon destruction of the defending enemy forces, the destruction of the radio towers and a return to base. triggers are set accordingly.
Take off from Krasnodar-Pashkovsky, fly to primary, execute mission and return to home plate, Maykop-Khanskaya. Radio frequencies are provided in the mission description. The distance to the primary is relatively short, to provide a close to the FEBA scenario. Also to permit the F86 to carry maximum weapons without the need for fuel tanks.
With editing, via the mission editor, the mission may be flown in the Huey's or the Mig 15, provided these modules are owned. The outcome in each instance is dependant upon player performance.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 7.1 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1740
  • Comments: 2