A-10/GAU-8 Low Angle Firings Versus Simulated Soviet Tank Company

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A-10/GAU-8 Low Angle Firings Versus Simulated Soviet Tank Company

Type - Document
Uploaded by - Namenlos
Date - 05/12/2012 07:07:05
This report describes firings of the A-10/GAU-9 weapon system on 7 November 1979 against a Soviet tank company simulated by 10 combat loaded M-47 tanks. The pilot making the firing passes attacked at low altitude and used correspondingly low dive angles in order to simulate movement through a hostile air defense system Ammunition used in the attacks comprised Aerojet Lot Number AJD 79A181-001 30mm armor piercing incendiary (API) rounds, which proved to be effective damage agents against substantial areas of the U.S. M47 tanks used as targets. The pilot in ten successful firing passes fired a total of 174 rounds of which 90 impacted the targets. Of the projectiles impacting on targets 30 achieved perforations of the armored envelope.Significant results include catastrophic damage to 3 tanks, 1 tank immobilized and silenced, three tanks immobilized only.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 7.53 Mb
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Tags: GAU-8