Nevada "NKAWTG" AAR Practice Mission

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Nevada "NKAWTG" AAR Practice Mission

Uploaded by - Lobo**
Date - 02/28/2016 23:46:13
Want to just hop in and practice connecting to the tanker? If so, this is the mission for you. Airborne start. Daytime. Tanker is 1/2 nm in front of you. This is a simple AAR mission. No wasted time trying to locate and intercept the tanker, No surprises. Just a straight forward practice mission to hone your AAR skills. Labels are on. Includes a 1 page "AAR Nevada Notes" PDF document with AAR tips and suggestions.

A beautiful early morning mission. Off in the distance, over your right shoulder the sun is just rising over Humphrey's Peak Arizona. The skies are clear, the air is calm and cool. Perfect conditions to conduct an AAR training mission. A KC-135 tanker has been tasked to provide your AAR training needs this morning, and is all yours for the next couple of hours. Enjoy the early morning air high over the desert.

KC-135 Tanker "ARCO" has just rolled out 1/2 nm in front of you on refueling track Goliath. The tanker is established at your A-10's optimum speed and altitude for AAR. 220 KIAS and 15,000'. Goliath AAR track is an extended 400 nm track. You will have 1 hour and 25 minutes with the tanker in straight and level flight before it turns onto its southbound leg near Fallon NV, and RTB's to Nellis AFB.

Your callsign is "Hawg 1"
Your current fuel on board is 2700 lbs. (25%)
240 Flares are at your disposal


CAVOK, smooth flight conditions expected

Contact ARCO and request fuel. They are ready to give your thirsty Hawg a drink.


Comments, or problems let me know in the comments section below. If you like this mission give it a rating! :)

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 867.45 Kb
  • Downloaded: 3420
  • Comments: 4
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