DCSW Ka-50 - Deployment Campaign (Patch to Game) (v1.57x)

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DCS World 1.5

DCSW Ka-50 - Deployment Campaign (Patch to Game) (v1.57x)

Type - Campaign
Uploaded by - MadDog-IC
Date - 01/31/2016 07:38:35
This is the KA-50 Deployment Campaign that comes with the game by default, that has fixes applied to make missions work as originally intended, russian users will have russian subtitles with Russian Voice Overs whilst english users will have English subtitles and English Voice Overs.

These missions are all Eagle Dynamics original work, but over the course of time, patches, and programming errors have arisen to break the missions, so I have corrected them as best I can and to make them a little more realistic and to work properly.

Install mod
- Copy the Mods directory from the Downloaded ZIP file into your ..\DCS World\ directory and overwrite all files.
- Run DCS Campaign from DCS as usual

Repairs done by MadDog-IC

Changelog v1.2 21-12-2017
- All missions
    - Multi-language: (English subtitles and Voice Overs, Russian subtitles and Voice overs and Chinese, Czech, German, Spanish subtitles).
    - Corrected - Multiple missing briefing pictures in missions.

Changelog v1.1 27-01-2016
- Lots of similar issues fixed throughout all missions
- Changes to messages, flags, etc aren't listed.
- SAB-100 illumination bombs need to be released below 2500m or will not light area
- If Ka-50 Ai not detecting and shooting anything - Under (Weather settings) Toggle Fog ON/OFF to clear any values in boxes, even if fog is disabled. Fog seems to be enabled even when turned off, but is invisible in mission and AI can't detect anything.

Mission - DEPLOYMENT 01 (Fam Flight).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - English Voice Overs.
- Waypoints
    - Aligned - All (on road waypoints) for vehicles to actual road
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Moved - FARP-VETKA to align to support structures and added a SKP for ATC
    - Fixed - All FARP's radio frequencies to 127.5mhz as some were missing - HAD TO RELOAD FARP'S
    - Fixed - (Ka-50 Player) missing textures by reselecting skin
    - Fixed - All vehicles and aircraft Missing Skill levels
- DCSW v1.5x compatibility
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - DEPLOYMENT 02 (Escort).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - English Voice Overs.
- Waypoints
    - Aligned - All (on road waypoints) for vehicles to actual road
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Moved - FARP-VETKA to align to support structures and added a SKP for ATC
    - Fixed - All FARP's radio frequencies to 127.5mhz as some were missing - HAD TO RELOAD FARP'S
    - Fixed - (Ka-50 Player) missing textures by reselecting skin
    - Fixed - All vehicles and aircraft Missing Skill levels
- DCSW v1.5x compatibility
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Lot of working on message timing and ambush stuff)

Mission - DEPLOYMENT 03 (Stronghold).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - English Voice Overs.
- Waypoints
    - Aligned - All (on road waypoints) for vehicles to actual road
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area
    - Fixed - Corrupt "Fire at Zones" for All artillery
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Moved - FARP-VETKA to align to support structures and added a SKP for ATC
    - Fixed - All FARP's radio frequencies to 127.5mhz as some were missing - HAD TO RELOAD FARP'S
    - Fixed - (Ka-50 Player) missing textures by reselecting skin

- DCSW v1.5x compatibility
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - DEPLOYMENT 04 (Alarm).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - English Voice Overs.
- Waypoints
    - Aligned - All (on road waypoints) for vehicles to actual road
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Corrupt "Fire at Zones" for All artillery
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Moved - FARP-VETKA to align to support structures and added a SKP for ATC
    - Fixed - All FARP's radio frequencies to 127.5mhz as some were missing - HAD TO RELOAD FARP'S
    - Fixed - (Ka-50 Player) missing textures by reselecting skin
    - Added more INS infantry for fire fight and adjusted explosions and arty fire
- DCSW v1.5x compatibility
    - Fixed - Timing of artillery release is to early for message - Changed message to 150+170+190 seconds
    - Fixed - Su-25 OFAC Sab-100 candle bombs to release at 2000m
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Lot of reworking of message timing)

Mission - DEPLOYMENT 05 (Night Hunt).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - English Voice Overs.
    - Changed - A lot of flags to get logic right
    - Changed - A few sound file names to align with callsigns
- Waypoints
    - Aligned - All (on road waypoints) for vehicles to actual road
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Replaced - TP1 = Target (43'52'42N  41'34'27E)
- Units
    - Moved - FARP-VETKA to align to support structures and added a SKP for ATC
    - Fixed - All FARP's radio frequencies to 127.5mhz as some were missing - HAD TO RELOAD FARP'S
    - Fixed - (Ka-50 Player) missing textures by reselecting skin
    - Changed - (RU SU-34 (120)) to release candle bombs properly for illumination of target area.
- Scoring
    - 50 + 30 + 50 (Start + INS HOUSE + INS TRANSPORT)
- DCSW v1.5x compatibility
    - Fixed - Sab-100 illumination bombs no lighting up area - Moved release height down to 2000m
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - DEPLOYMENT 06 (Narzan Valley).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - English Voice Overs.
- Waypoints
    - Aligned - All (on road waypoints) for vehicles to actual road
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Replaced - TP1 = Target (43'42'26N 42'30'46E)  
- Units
    - Moved - FARP-VETKA to align to support structures and added a SKP for ATC
    - Fixed - All FARP's radio frequencies to 127.5mhz AM as some were missing - HAD TO RELOAD FARP'S
    - Fixed - (Ka-50 Player) missing textures by reselecting skin
    - Changed - Ka-50 Player and Mi-24 to (formation Column) so fight and follow valleys better
- Score
    - Changed - Scoring to 50 + 30 + 50 (Start + INS ZU-23 + INS SUPPLY CACHE 1-7)
- DCSW v1.5x compatibility
    - Fixed - Had to reposition supply caches for easy shots - no mission success otherwise
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - DEPLOYMENT 07 (Rescuer).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - English Voice Overs.
- Waypoints
    - Aligned - All (on road waypoints) for vehicles to actual road
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - (Ka-50 Player) as AI set to (Follow (420) flight)    for escort to test with
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Moved - FARP-VETKA to align to support structures and added a SKP for ATC
    - Fixed - All FARP's radio frequencies, Had to reload all FARP'S to restore 127.5mhz AM as some were missing
    - Fixed - (Ka-50 Player) missing textures by reselecting skin
    - Changed - (Ka-50 Player) from (ground attack) to (CAS) role to better defend rescue party
    - Changed - (Ka-50 Player) to (formation Column) so fight and follow valleys better
    - Changed - (Ka-50 Player) - TP1 = Evac Area (43'43'8N  42'49'58E)
    - Changed - INS GROUP] 1+2+3+4 timing for turning up and harassing rescue party
    - Changed - (Mi-8tv2 (420)) to be further back and to arrive at a better time to form up on to it
- Scoring
    - Changed Scoring to 50 + 30 + 50 (Start + Pickup + Success Landing)
- DCSW v1.5x compatibility
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - DEPLOYMENT 08 (On the other side).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - English Voice Overs
- Waypoints
    - Aligned - All (on road waypoints) for vehicles to actual road
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All CAP aircrafts set to cap -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircrafts set to sead -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All Ground attack aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Moved - FARP-VETKA to align to support structures and added a SKP for ATC
    - Fixed - All FARP's radio frequencies, Had to reload all FARP'S to restore 127.5mhz AM as some were missing
    - Fixed - (Ka-50 Player) missing textures by reselecting skin
    - Changed - (RU Su-27 CAP) to engage choppers as well, no use having CAP without taking out all air threats
    - Changed - (Ka-50 Player) to (formation Column) so fight and follow valleys better
    - Changed - (Ka-50 Player) - TP1 = Target Area (43'0'39N 42'37'43E)
- Scoring
    - 50 + 30 + 50 (Start mission + Bonus INS BMP+BTR + Mission Objectives)
- DCSW v1.5x compatibility
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - DEPLOYMENT 09 (Near Gundelen).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - English Voice Overs
- Waypoints
    - Aligned - All (on road waypoints) for vehicles to actual road
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All Ground attack aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Moved - FARP-VETKA to align to support structures and added a SKP for ATC
    - Fixed - All FARP's radio frequencies, Had to reload all FARP'S to restore 127.5mhz AM as some were missing
    - Fixed - (Ka-50 Player) missing textures by reselecting skin
    - Changed - (RU Su-25 CAS) from late start to take off from runway and fly it
- Scoring
    - 50 + 30 + 50 (Start + kill ZSU's + Shurup5 in objective)
- DCSW v1.5x compatibility
    - Fixed - Kabolt-18 trigger = Not triggering mission complete on part of group (Shorup5)in zone, need unit specifically (Shorup5 06)
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Lot of reworking of message timing)

Mission - DEPLOYMENT 10 (Back to Teberda).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - English Voice Overs.
    - Changed - (ru Farp support team) + (ru inf (bor-2)) not late start and used hold instead
- Waypoints
    - Aligned - All (on road waypoints) for vehicles to actual road
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Moved - FARP-VETKA to align to support structures and added a SKP for ATC
    - Fixed - All FARP's radio frequencies, Had to reload all FARP'S to restore 127.5mhz AM as some were missing
    - Fixed - (Ka-50 Player) missing textures by reselecting skin
- Scoring
    - Changed - 50 + 30 + 50 (Start + Retake Farp + Land at Farp)
- DCSW v1.5x compatibility
    - Ru Ka-50 players AI will not attack anything even with Attack group or unit commands
    - Fixed - Ru Ka-50 Ai not detecting and shooting anything - Under (Weather settings) Fog had values in boxed but not enabled, I toggled Fog on and off in ME which cleared those values to 0, now Ai can see targets and attacks, Fog seems to be enabled even when turned off, but is invisible in mission.
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE (07:30)(Lot of work on Assault squads and message timing)

Mission - DEPLOYMENT 11 (Dusk).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - English Voice Overs.
- Waypoints
    - Aligned - All (on road waypoints) for vehicles to actual road
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All CAP aircrafts set to cap -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircrafts set to sead -a -x and Engage in zones set.    -
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Moved - FARP-VETKA to align to support structures and added a SKP for ATC
    - Fixed - All FARP's radio frequencies, Had to reload all FARP'S to restore 127.5mhz AM as some were missing
    - Fixed - (Ka-50 Player) missing textures by reselecting skin
- Scoring
    - Changed - 50 + 50 (Start + GRG armoured units)
- DCSW v1.5x compatibility
    - Fixed - Sab-100 illumination bombs not lighting up area, changed Release height to 2000 - 2500m
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE (18:50)(Lot of reworking of message timing)

Mission - DEPLOYMENT 12 (Coda).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - English Voice Overs
    - Adjust - Timing of messages to suit flow of mission
    - Fixed - A few dubious triggers, that had wrong flags triggered on
- Waypoints
    - Aligned - All (on road waypoints) for vehicles to actual road
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Moved - FARP-VETKA to align to support structures and added a SKP for ATC
    - Fixed - All FARP's radio frequencies, Had to reload all FARP'S to restore 127.5mhz AM as some were missing
    - Fixed - (Ka-50 Player) missing textures by reselecting skin
    - changed - (Ka-50_Player) waypoint heights to clear mountains
    - Changed - Mi-28 speeds to get to targets on time
    - Replaced - TP1 = Target 43'50'31N  41'24'40E + 215 = 43'49'17N  41'17'39E
- Scoring
    - Changed - 50 + 30 + 50 (Start + INS TANK SOUTH-WEST DEAD + INS HELICOPTER)

- DCSW v1.5x compatibility
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (rain at 10:30)(Lot of reworking of message timing)
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 26.07 Mb
  • Downloaded: 2513
  • Comments: 8
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