DCS A-10 Saitek X52 Profile

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DCS A-10 Saitek X52 Profile

Uploaded by - Crispy001
Date - 04/26/2012 00:49:15
A profile for the standard (Not pro) X52 joystick modeled after the profile by Raggz found here: http://files.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/406/

*Landing gear is no longer a toggle, uses clutch and pinky+clutch to lower and raise the gear, respectively. I couldn't get the toggle to function correctly.
*TrackIR center control has been adjusted to the default FreeTrack center control, shift+F10
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 4.48 Kb
  • Downloaded: 3467
  • Comments: 0