Aircraft Carrier Charles de Gaulle (R 91) and PA2 (R92?).

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Aircraft Carrier Charles de Gaulle (R 91) and PA2 (R92?).

Type - Mod
Uploaded by - markindel
Date - 11/06/2015 11:50:13
I thank the author of the 3D model, Mr. Sylvain Parouty for giving me permission to convert from FSX his model.
I also thank friends Lilkiki, Mistral and SVKSniper for their advice.

French Aircraft Carrier.

The zip file contains 2 French aircraft carrier, Charles de Gaulle (R 91) and PA2 ( Carrier not yet in service, R92?)

you can land and take off
night lighting
animation weapons

unzip the zip file and copy the folder "French Aircraft Carrier"
inside the folder
C: \ Program Files \ Eagle Dynamics \ DCS World \ Mods \ tech
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 69.53 Mb
  • Downloaded: 4273
  • Comments: 13
Tags: ship, carrier